Procurement Advice

COMTEMPorARY procurement

Harris Coyle Breen offer advise to both Private and Public clients on procurement strategies to meet their requirements, within the appropriate legal frameworks.

It is acknowledged that there is no one "standard solution" to procurement of any projects, therefore, HCBQS embrace a contemporary approach in providing advise and services on all our projects. Through our vast experience, industry research and dynamic approach to projects, we offer advise to clients on the "best fit" solution to each situation working within the specific requirements and legal framework necessary.

Our strategies have resulted in successful and efficient delivery of projects by achieving cost certainty, and obtaining best value for money.

Alternative collaborative procurement strategies are implemented (both nationally and internationally) on projects. Some collaborative comtemporay strategies adopted have focused on Early Contractor Involvement (ECI), and have included: Two Stage Tendering, Pre-Construction Services Agreements, Two Stage Open Book, and other Collaborative Working Structures. 

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